Sunday, June 5, 2011


I'm doing it again. I'm an idiot when it comes to this, and I'm too dumb to figure it out before it's too late. So this post is just for me, to remind myself.




You're only setting yourself up for another big letdown, and what has been recently divulged to you is a fact. A certified FACT. Stop twisting things around to accomodate yourself, because nobody gives a shit about you or whatever stupid idea you had about the whole thing. Just STOP before it happens again. It will hurt much worse this time, believe me. MUCH WORSE. Then where will you be? In the same exact place you were before, with absolutely nothing to show for it. NOTHING.

So just forget about it, get it all out of your head, shake it all out of your system. Post a sign, read this repeatedly, whatever you have to do. But stop it.


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