Saturday, June 5, 2010

Another Day

This is from my my first CD, written almost 10 years ago.

I don't know where I'm going, I've been locked in here too long;
Reflecting on memories not my own, straining to keep my soul.

Stealing my air from this bitter coldness shuts me down inside,
When will I rise to greet the new day? Will I ever die?

Who will be my companion through this, sew yourself to me;
Share my kidneys and my poison, experience the fear.

I don't think you understand me when you hide your eyes,
Soak yourself with gasoline and jump into my fire.

You don't need to hold my hand I'm not the one who's scared;
It's hard to see what lies inside when you have no soul to bare.

Misery loves company but prefers to be alone,
Settle down and close your mouth so I can run back home.

Another day I face the pain - another day.
Another day, it gives me strength - another day.
Another day I'm not the same - another day.
Another day I feel this way - another day.

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